Six Asian women gunned down in Atlanta. Nationwide physical attacks on Asian elderly. Nearly 3,800 reported hate incidents aimed at Asians since the pandemic started last year. The AAPI community is reeling and wondering, “How much more can we take? What’s next?”
How can you activate change and help the community to heal? Here are 12 ways.
Communicate your hurt, anger, and frustration in a safe environment where others will listen.
Reach out to your Asian friends to show support during this time.
Learn about anti-Asian violence resources at www.antiaisianviolenceresources.carrd.co
Participate in an Anti-Asian Hate rally.
Write to legislators to support the No Hate Act and the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act.
Encourage your workplace, school, and churches to publicly condemn and denounce anti-Asian hate incidents and crimes.
Encourage states and school districts from K-12 to include curriculum on Asian American history. See what is happening in Illinois. Connect on https://www.advancingjustice-chicago.org/teaach/ and http://senatorram.com/news/press-releases/131-asian-american-history-curriculum-bill-introduced .
Shop at Asian-owned businesses for physical purchases and services.
Donate to AAPI groups that address anti-Asian hate issues. These include: the AAPI Community Fund, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Stop AAPI Hate www.stopaapihate.org, and others.
Offer physical assistance and friendship to Asian elderly.
Calmly and firmly point out racial slurs, stereotyping, and actions (only if you can do so safely).
Calmly and firmly Intervene when an incident is occurring in front of you. Learn how to do so safely on www.stopaapihate.org.